I make and offer bassoon reeds on a limited basis for sale. My finished reeds are robust and versatile, and responsive to many styles and performance situations. Reeds are available in a Van Hoesen or Herzberg shape, starting with material from Barton Cane.
Please get in touch to place an order or get more information at chrisfossbassoon@gmail.com.
Giving eight performances a week on the road for two continuous years, I have had a lot of time to hone in on consistency of response and develop a process that yields satisfying reeds with longevity. I am happy to be able to share the fruits of that work with others now and provide reeds that work well in various performing situations.
My major influences in reed finishing come from my teacher Julie Feves and the work of Mark Eubanks. I have had the opportunity to study with reed makers across New England and in a residency with Giorgio Versiglia (Andante e Ronde Reeds.) This work was supported with mentorship from Janet Polk and grant funding from the Hamel Center for Undergaduate Research. In these projects, I explored the design of blanks, variations in beveling, and Skinner’s Inner Gouge Variations.
My style of reed making is now a composite of the techniques and construction I learned in these research projects, and also from from the community of Mark Popkin and Loren Glickman’s bassoon camp program in North Carolina.